Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A's Day 3 (written end of the day)

I live my life in my office. My office is filled with food. All the time. Like a Bulk Barn but free and a mere 7 strides from my desk (yes, I measured). (day's end, drinks are bit low)

On top of that, they bring in lunch and we can order dinner. With the hours I work ... I will eat likely 14 meals here at the office this week. I ordered Sunday night for the week so I have been focused on salads. We have a decent salad bar at lunch, which I have been hitting hard.

Today, I started my day w/ an apple. I heard that starting w/ fruit helps. No idea if that'll work, but I did snack less. Only one helping of wasabi peas, 10 roasted almonds and 10 roasted garbanzo beans

That said, I somehow got myself crazy dehydrated after my workout last night and woke up 7lbs lighter than yesterday. That's messed up. I expect to gain tomorrow.

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